Mesotherapy is a medical technique created as a faster, non-invasive alternative to plastic surgery. Through the use of specialized needles for microinjections, commonly called ‘mesotherapy guns’, small amounts of the nutrients present in the formula are administered as needed in one of the layers of the skin. For patients with a fear of needles, there are also alternatives such as mesopens and no needle meso beauty machines for nutrient application.

A doctor who has undergone a course in mesotherapeutic treatment is capable of going through the entire procedure in a 20 to 30 minutes session, making mesotherapy a low-risk less time-consuming alternative for cosmetic treatment.

This technique was developed by a multi-national research team in intradermal therapy, with Michel Pistor culminating the research in 1952 and coining the term mesotherapy in 1958. After further research and testing, in 1987 the French national academy of medicine (Académie nationale de médecine) recognized mesotherapy as a specialty of medicine. A US report indicates that in the early 2010s, about 16.000 US physicians used mesotherapy products with constant growth every year.

Mesotherapeutical treatments can provide, among other benefits:

  • A moisturized and regenerated skin tone.
  • A better blood circulation in the dermis.
  • A reduction of the presence of wrinkles.
  • A counteraction against skin spots.
  • A more efficient formation of collagen and elastin.
  • An instant radiant skin glow.

As with all cosmetic injections, there is a risk of side effects. Though they are very rare, they include bruising, inflammation and swelling of the skin. It is important to ensure that all mesotherapy treatments are provided by a qualified doctor who underwent the necessary training for the application of the formula, and who is able to provide clear and concise explanations of the side effects and how and why they could occur.

The Persebelle team firmly believes that mesotherapy is the cosmetic treatment technique of the future and the kindest both to the patient and to the environment. Our ingredients are all- natural and do not come from animals, as we aim to ensure that our ecological impact is minimal and provide an environment-friendly alternative for cosmetics. Through extensive in- vitro testing and analysis, we have developed safe and efficient products for the various mesotherapy treatments that we aim to provide for.

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